What are the ingredients for beer?

To make beer, you need four main ingredients: water, malt, hops and yeast.
We offer a wide range of malts, hops and yeast strains to enable you to customize your beers.
But that's not all: we also offer all the additives necessary or desirable for brewing (clarifiers, chips, sugars, minerals...).

Malts & raw cereals

Cereals are used to obtain sugar, which is then made available to the yeasts that create your beer. Barley is the most common grain, but wheat, rye, oats, corn and other cereals can also be used. To brew beer, you need malted cereals. These contain the enzymes needed to transform starch into fermentable sugars. To brew beer, it is therefore imperative to use what are commonly known as base malts, which provide sugars and enzymes pre-designed by the maltster for the brewer. Basic malts include :

To customize the taste of your beer, you can then choose from a number of cereal families:

  • Roasted malts
  • Crystal malts
  • Raw flakes/cereals (corn, oats, barley, wheat...)

The brewer has many possibilities for juggling different parameters (taste, foam, beer body, etc.).

See all malts & cereals


Hop varieties around the world are extremely numerous. There are more than a hundred. Each hop gives beer a unique taste. Hops are often considered to be the equivalent of grape varieties, since the influence of soil on the same variety is so striking. It's important to know that hops influence the taste of beer in two ways: bitterness and aroma. Some hops are more suited to bittering, while others are more suited to flavouring. Fortunately, we've selected the best hops from all over the world so you can create recipes to suit your taste. Whether you prefer a noble European hop with a spicy, floral character, or a new-world hop with a fruity, tropical character.

See all the hops


Yeast is the signature of beer. While there are an infinite number of yeasts on Earth, laboratories have isolated and made available certain yeast strains for brewers. While yeast's influence on brewing is as old as beer itself, mankind only became aware of its existence at a very late stage: it wasn't until the end of the 19th century that yeast in beer was recognized. Since then, water has flowed under the bridge, and laboratories have tamed over 50 strains with which the brewer can play. Each of them is unique and confers more or less pronounced aromas. Belgian yeasts, for example, are well known for leaving significant traces of their passage, giving the beer delicious fruit or spice aromas. Other yeasts are more discreet, content to do the work of fermentation, leaving the glory to malts and hops. As you can see, whether liquid or dry, yeasts open up new possibilities for the brewer to personalize his beer. It's up to you to choose the yeast that best suits your recipe.

See all the yeast


Water is the main ingredient in beer. While we don't sell water, we do offer everything the brewer needs to handle the mineral content of his water. Depending on the region, this content is totally different. Some waters are very soft, others very alkaline. To brew certain styles of beer, it is advisable to adapt the mineral content of your brewing water. The addition of mineral salts allows you to make these adaptations for a perfect beer.

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