The German Weizen recipe :
- Color : Pale yellow
- Alcohol content : 5.1%.
- Quantity : 20L
- Bitterness : Low
- Difficulty : Easy
- Brewing time : 5h
- Cost : Medium
- 2.3kg of Malt Pilsen
- 2.6kg of Malt de Blé clair
- 150g of Malt Munich I
- 8g of Houblon Magnum
- 1 packet of liquid yeast Wyeast 3068 Weihens.Wheat (or 2 yeast packets of Munich Classic)
- Total water volume : 33L (Preferably Sulfate = Chloride : 1:1)
The Weihenstephaner is the best example of the style in my opinion.
Brew our German Weizen step by step
Step 1
Heat 15 liters of water to 66°C and pour in the crushed grains.
Stir well to avoid lumps.
Maintain temperature for one hour.
At the same time, heat 18.5 liters of rinse water to 77°C.
Step 2
Once the saccharification hour is over, move on to filtration and rinsing.
Step 3
Then heat your wort for a 60-minute boil.
Start brewing with 8g of Magnum hops.
If you’re using a cooling coil, don’t forget to sterilize it in the wort 15 minutes before the end of the boil.
Step 4
Then cool the wort to 17°C and transfer to the fermenter, not forgetting the yeast.
Your initial specific gravity should be around 1.050.
Ferment at 17°C for 3 weeks.
To be sure you’ve completed fermentation, raise the temperature to 22°C for the last 4 days.
On this German white recipe, the final specific gravity should be around 1.011.
Step 5
Add 7 to 8g per L of sugar at bottling. Carbonation should be strong in this style of beer.