SKU WYEAST.1007 Category Wyeast
316 Wyeast

Wyeast 1007 German Ale

Available within 1 month

How many packs do I need for my brew?

A true "top cropping" yeast with low ester formation and a wide temperature range. Fermentation at higher temperatures can produce a sweet fruitiness. This powdery strain leaves the yeast in suspension after fermentation. Beers mature quickly, even with bottom fermentation. Low or no detectable diacetyl formation.

Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 73-77%.
Temperature range: 13-20°C
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 11%ABV

Alternative : Lallemand Munich Classic

Wyeast 1007 German Ale

How many packs do I need for my brew?

A true "top cropping" yeast with low ester formation and a wide temperature range. Fermentation at higher temperatures can produce a sweet fruitiness. This powdery strain leaves the yeast in suspension after fermentation. Beers mature quickly, even with bottom fermentation. Low or no detectable diacetyl formation.

Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 73-77%.
Temperature range: 13-20°C
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 11%ABV

Alternative : Lallemand Munich Classic

Floculation Low
Attenuation 73-77%
ABV Tolerance 11%
Conservation Au réfrigérateur
Preferred style Altbier American Wheat Beer
Yeast type Ale
Beverage Beer
Diastatic No
Type of beer Ale All types

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