SKU NEXTGEN1983 Category White Labs

WLP1983 Charlie's Fist Bump Yeast DDM 2024-08-26

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WLP1983 Charlie's Fist Bump Yeast DDM 2024-08-26

Previously called WLP862 Cry Havoc Lager Yeast, this strain is licensed from Charlie Papazian and can ferment at both ale and lager temperatures, allowing brewers to produce diverse beer styles. The recipes in both Papazians books, "The Complete Joy of Homebrewing," "The Homebrewers Companion," and "Microbrewed Adventures" were originally developed and brewed with this yeast.


  Optimum ale-style primary fermentation temperature: 68-73°F (20-23°C)

  Optimum cellaring temperature: 50-55°F (10-13°C); altbiers can be cellared at lagering temperature


  Optimum lager-style primary fermentation temperature: 50-55°F (10-13°C)

  Optimum lagering temperature: 32-37°F (0-3°C)

Strain American Ale
Preferred style Altbier American lager Barley Wine Blonde Ale ESB India Pale Ale Pale Ale Pilsner Porter Red Ale Stout

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