SKU NEXTGEN400 Category White Labs

WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale DDM 2025-03-24


WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale

Slightly phenolic and acidic, this is the original yeast used to produce Belgian Wit Bier.


  • Attenuation rate: 74-78%
  • Flocculation: Low - Medium
  • Fermentation temperature: 19°-23°C

Ready-to-use yeast. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Substitutes: Lallemand WIT, M21, Wyeast 3944

Delivered with ice pack. Place in refrigerator quickly!

WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale DDM 2025-03-24

WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale

Slightly phenolic and acidic, this is the original yeast used to produce Belgian Wit Bier.


  • Attenuation rate: 74-78%
  • Flocculation: Low - Medium
  • Fermentation temperature: 19°-23°C

Ready-to-use yeast. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Substitutes: Lallemand WIT, M21, Wyeast 3944

Delivered with ice pack. Place in refrigerator quickly!

Strain Belgian Wheats / Wits
Floculation Moyenne-Basse
Attenuation 74-78%
Conservation Au réfrigérateur
Preferred style American Wheat Beer Belgian Ale Wit

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