SKU NEXTGEN060 Category White Labs

WLP060 American Ale Blend

pre-order, shipped early october 2024

Blend of American Ale strains. Presents a neutral profile similar to Lagers and Cream Ales from across the Atlantic.

Profile: Neutral.

WLP060 American Ale Blend

Blend of American Ale strains. Presents a neutral profile similar to Lagers and Cream Ales from across the Atlantic.

Profile: Neutral.

WLP060 American Ale Blend

This blend pays homage to California with its neutral fermentation and versatile use.

While the California Ale Yeast is the most popular strain from White Labs, this blend also contains 2 other strains with a clean and neutral taste.

These additional strains impart a certain complexity to the finished beer.

This blend ferments at Ale temperature but presents a profile very close to American Lagers and Cream Ales. Additionally, the flavors and bitterness of the hops will be slightly accentuated.


  • Attenuation rate: 72-80%
  • Flocculation: Medium
  • Fermentation temperature: 20°-22°C

Yeast ready to use. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Delivered with ice pack. Place in refrigerator quickly!

Strain American Ale
Floculation Medium
Attenuation 72-80%
Conservation Au réfrigérateur
Preferred style American Ale India Pale Ale Pale Ale

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