SKU NEXTGEN051 Category White Labs

Liquid Yeast WLP051 California Ale V - White Labs - PurePitch™ D D D

Available within 1 month

WLP051 California Ale V

Originally from Northern California, this strain is fruitier than the California Ale Yeast (WLP001) and has a slightly higher flocculation rate.

Its lower attenuation power gives a rounder beer compared to the California Ale Yeast.

It will be perfect for malty or characterful styles such as amber/brown ales or tropical stout.


  • Attenuation rate: 70-75%
  • Flocculation: Medium - High
  • Fermentation temperature: 19°-21°C

Yeast ready to use. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Substitute: Wyeast 1272

Delivered with ice pack. Place in refrigerator quickly!

Liquid Yeast WLP051 California Ale V - White Labs - PurePitch™ D D D

WLP051 California Ale V

Originally from Northern California, this strain is fruitier than the California Ale Yeast (WLP001) and has a slightly higher flocculation rate.

Its lower attenuation power gives a rounder beer compared to the California Ale Yeast.

It will be perfect for malty or characterful styles such as amber/brown ales or tropical stout.


  • Attenuation rate: 70-75%
  • Flocculation: Medium - High
  • Fermentation temperature: 19°-21°C

Yeast ready to use. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Substitute: Wyeast 1272

Delivered with ice pack. Place in refrigerator quickly!

Floculation Moyenne-Haute
Attenuation 72-78%
ABV Tolerance 10%
Conservation Au réfrigérateur
Preferred style American Ale Blonde Ale India Pale Ale Pale Ale
Yeast type Hybrid
Beverage Beer
Diastatic No
Type of beer Ale All types

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