SKU NEXTGEN023 Category White Labs
317 White Labs

WLP023 Burton Ale DDM 2025-04-21


WLP023 Burton Ale

Historical strain ideal for English IPAs.

Adjust your brewing water to achieve a mineral profile similar to the city of Burton-On-Trent and recreate the legendary recipe that revolutionized the beer world.

Aromas of apple, clover honey, and pear.

Ideal for all English styles, IPAs (bitter), Bitters, and Pales. Excellent in Porters and Stouts.


  • Attenuation rate: 69-75%
  • Flocculation: Medium
  • Fermentation temperature: 20°-23°C

Yeast ready to use. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Substitute: Windsor, Wyeast 1275

Delivered with ice pack. Place in the refrigerator quickly!

WLP023 Burton Ale DDM 2025-04-21

WLP023 Burton Ale

Historical strain ideal for English IPAs.

Adjust your brewing water to achieve a mineral profile similar to the city of Burton-On-Trent and recreate the legendary recipe that revolutionized the beer world.

Aromas of apple, clover honey, and pear.

Ideal for all English styles, IPAs (bitter), Bitters, and Pales. Excellent in Porters and Stouts.


  • Attenuation rate: 69-75%
  • Flocculation: Medium
  • Fermentation temperature: 20°-23°C

Yeast ready to use. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Substitute: Windsor, Wyeast 1275

Delivered with ice pack. Place in the refrigerator quickly!

Floculation Medium
Attenuation 72-78%
ABV Tolerance 10%
Conservation Au réfrigérateur
Preferred style British Ale ESB India Pale Ale Pale Ale Porter Stout
Yeast type Ale
Beverage Beer
Diastatic No
Type of beer Ale All types English beers West Coast IPA

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