SKU NEXTGEN013 Category White Labs

Liquid Yeast WLP013 London Ale - White Labs - PurePitch™ D D D

Available within 1 month

Typical English yeast, dry, ideal for malted beers.

Profile: Woody, Fruity

Liquid Yeast WLP013 London Ale - White Labs - PurePitch™ D D D

Typical English yeast, dry, ideal for malted beers.

Profile: Woody, Fruity

WLP013 London Ale

High fermentation yeast, dry and malty.

Gives your beer a slightly woody flavor and a complex fruity character.

This strain will also add character to the hop bitterness.

WLP013 yeast is ideal for classic British Pale Ales, Bitters, and Stouts.


  • Attenuation rate: 67-75%
  • Flocculation: Medium
  • Fermentation temperature: 19°-22°C

Ready-to-use yeast. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (written on the package).

Substitutes: Wyeast 1028,Windsor

Delivered with ice pack. Place in the refrigerator quickly!

Floculation Medium
Attenuation 67-75%
ABV Tolerance 8-12%
Conservation Au réfrigérateur
Preferred style British Ale ESB Pale Ale Porter Stout
Yeast type Ale
Beverage Beer Cider Mead
Diastatic No
Type of beer English beers Stout

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