SKU NEXTGEN002 Category White Labs
317 White Labs

Liquid Yeast WLP002 English Ale - White Labs - PurePitch™ D D D D DDM 2025-06-23


WLP002 English Ale

The classic Extra Special Bitter strain. From one of the largest independent breweries in England.

This yeast is ideal for English-style top-fermented beers, including Milds, Bitters, Porters, and Stouts.

WLP002 makes the beer very clear and leaves some residual sweetness.


  • Attenuation rate: 63-70%
  • Flocculation: Very high
  • Fermentation temperature: 18°-20°C

Ready-to-use yeast. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (printed on the package).

Substitutes: London ESB, S-04, Wyeast 1968

Fancy a cask Ale? Check out our:


Liquid Yeast WLP002 English Ale - White Labs - PurePitch™ D D D D DDM 2025-06-23

WLP002 English Ale

The classic Extra Special Bitter strain. From one of the largest independent breweries in England.

This yeast is ideal for English-style top-fermented beers, including Milds, Bitters, Porters, and Stouts.

WLP002 makes the beer very clear and leaves some residual sweetness.


  • Attenuation rate: 63-70%
  • Flocculation: Very high
  • Fermentation temperature: 18°-20°C

Ready-to-use yeast. A starter is still recommended if you use it two months after the manufacturing date (printed on the package).

Substitutes: London ESB, S-04, Wyeast 1968

Fancy a cask Ale? Check out our:


Floculation Très haute
Attenuation 63-70%
ABV Tolerance 10%
Conservation Au réfrigérateur
Preferred style British Ale ESB Porter Red Ale Stout
Yeast type Ale
Beverage Beer
Diastatic No
Type of beer Ale All types English beers

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