SKU MUNICH-II-25KG Category Weyermann

Weyermann® Munich II 25EBC


Recommended use: up to 100%.

Color: 20 - 25 EBC

Weyermann® Munich II 25EBC

Recommended use: up to 100%.

Color: 20 - 25 EBC

Weyermann Munich 2 Malt

Munich 2 Malt is a basic barley malt that has been relatively extensively boiled. This gives it richly malty aromas of bread, cookie, caramel and honey.

Despite its degree of cooking, it remains a base malt with an excellent enzymatic composition. It can therefore be used up to 100%. However, we recommend using it as a malted back-up, to bring color and depth. It will also add richness to the finished beer.

Munich 2 malt is ideal for beers with an enhanced malt profile. It will be very interesting in Dubbel or Dopplebock beers that are well caramelized. It will also add a lovely golden color to characterful lagers.

Preferred beer styles :

  • Dark or very dark beers
  • Dubbel
  • Stout
  • DoppleBock
  • March or October beers

Recommended use :
up to 100% proof

Available in 1kg and 5kg here

Grains malted
Cereal Barley
°L 20 - 25
Preferred style
Usage Max. 100%

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