SKU 007.009.33 Category Candy sugar

Brewferm Carbonation Drops

Délais donnés à titre indicatif, susceptible de changer en fonction des fournisseurs et transporteurs
Modèle pour 33cl - 60 pièces

Brewferm Carbonation Drops

Thanks to the Brewferm® Carbonation Drops, bottling has never been easier!

1 drop contains precisely the exact amount of bottling sugar you need to carbonate 1 bottle, filled with your unique home-brewed beer or cider. Brewferm® Carbonation Drops are available in different sizes, tailored to other bottle sizes (see 'Variants').

  • always the exact amount of sugar per bottle; no gushers, no flat beer
  • packaged in a practical, hermetically sealed, resealable container
  • convenient shape so the drops easily pass through the bottle's neck
  • less risk of infection; no need to transfer to another vessel

Use: Fill your beer or cider in sanitized bottles, add the appropriate Brewferm® Carbonation Drop and seal.

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