SKU PEATED-1KG Category Speciality

Light Peated Malt Whisky

Weight 1kg

Recommended use: up to 5%.

Color: 3 - 4.5 EBC

Light Peated Malt Whisky

Recommended use: up to 5%.

Color: 3 - 4.5 EBC

malt tourbé biere

Lightly peated malt whisky:

Contrary to its name, malt whisky can also be used in beer. Although malt whisky is originally used in the preparation of the famous Scotch peated whiskies, its aromatic palette adds a richness to the beer.

In fact, it is a base malt that has been smoked with peat, a fuel widely used in the marshy lands of northern Europe. In addition to its powerful smokiness, it brings the very strong earthy notes of peat, giving this malt its unique character.

Beers with peated malt have a very powerful character. This malt is therefore best suited to malty (or even dark) beers with a high alcohol content. Moreover, it is not used like a classic smoked malt: we don't recommend exceeding 5% of a malt recipe. In general, 2% already gives a very frank peaty character.

*PPM of phenols: Min. 5 - Max. 10

Favorite beer styles :

  • Imperial Stout
  • Scotch ale
  • Strong smoked ales

Maximum recommended use :
Up to 5%.

Available in 25kg here

Grains malted
Cereal Barley
Preferred style 14B. Scottish Heavy 17C. Wee Heavy 20C. Imperial Stout / Russian Imperial Stout
Usage Max. 5%

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