SKU HP-DRRUDI-100 Category Hop pellets small sizes

Houblon pellets Dr Rudi - récolte 2021

€3.23 Save 50%
Weight 100g

Profile: Resinous, herbal, lemongrass, pine.

Country of origin: New Zealand

Alpha Acids: 10%-12%

Houblon pellets Dr Rudi - récolte 2021

Profile: Resinous, herbal, lemongrass, pine.

Country of origin: New Zealand

Alpha Acids: 10%-12%

Dr. Rudi Hops:

dr rudi

The Dr. Rudi hop is a dual-purpose variety originating from New Zealand. It was initially known as SuperAlpha and was renamed Dr. Rudi in 2012. It was created from the Smooth Cone hop from New Zealand. It was initially launched in 1976. Originally considered a bittering hop, Dr. Rudi is now used as a dual-purpose hop. It presents a resinous, pine, and lemongrass character. It is also well known for its sharp and crisp bitterness despite its high cohumulone content. It works well in single hop beers.

Organoleptic properties:

  • Country of origin: New Zealand
  • Alpha Acids: 10%-12%
  • Beta Acids: 7%-8.5%
  • Total oils: 1.3-1.6 mL/100g

Preferred beer styles:

  • Ale
  • Lager
  • IPA

Possible alternatives:

Green Bullet

Hop in pellets
Type dual purpose
Origin New Zealand
Crop year 2021
Alpha acids 10.6%
Preferred style 18B. American Pale Ale 21A. American IPA 21B6. Wheat IPA 22A. Double IPA / Imperial IPA 25B. Saison American lager
Arômes Citrus Herbal Woody

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