SKU BB-27L Category BIAB bags

The Brew Bag

Size 27L (cuve électrique)

The Brew Bag

The "Brew Bag" is a brewing bag that allows you to easily separate the grain from the wort after mashing!

This method allows you to use just one tank (instead of two brewing tanks and a filter bottom). This saves you time, space and money.

Resistant, Brew Bags are also easy to clean: hand-washable, the seams are on the outside so no particles remain in the 100% polyester bag.

They also feature polypropylene straps, so you can easily lift the bag and hang it over your tub for spinning.

Mesh size = 210 microns

Brew Bags come in several size versions, to fit as many brew tanks as possible.

Precautions for use :

As soon as the Brew Bag, filled with malt, touches the bottom of the brewing vessel, you cannot raise the temperature by direct heating. This could lead to the brew bag melting or burning. We recommend pinning it to the top of your tank!

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