SKU PALE-1KG Category Base malts

Malt Pale Ale

Weight 1kg

The Pale Ale Malt is the base malt par excellence.

Its degree of heating during production gives cereal aromas of bread with some notes of dried fruits and honey.

This delicate kilning (5 to 8 EBC) will give the beer a beautiful bright blonde color and make the conversion of starch to sugar ideal for fermentation.

Pale ale malt is one of the most versatile in our catalog.

Malt Pale Ale

The Pale Ale Malt is the base malt par excellence.

Its degree of heating during production gives cereal aromas of bread with some notes of dried fruits and honey.

This delicate kilning (5 to 8 EBC) will give the beer a beautiful bright blonde color and make the conversion of starch to sugar ideal for fermentation.

Pale ale malt is one of the most versatile in our catalog.

Preferred Beer Styles for Pale Ale Malt:

Made from 2-row spring barley, this malt is ideal for brewing all types of beers:

  • Pale ale
  • IPA
  • Stout
  • Belgian beers

Recommended Usage:

up to 100%

Also available in 25kg format here.

pale ale malt

Grains malted
Cereal Barley
Preferred style 18B. American Pale Ale 19A. American Amber Ale 19B. California Common 19C. American Brown Ale 20B. American Stout 20C. Imperial Stout / Russian Imperial Stout 21A. American IPA 21B1. Belgian IPA 21B2. Black IPA 21B3. Brown IPA 21B4. Red IPA 21B5. Rye IPA 21B6. Wheat IPA 21B7. Brut IPA 21C. Hazy IPA 22A. Double IPA / Imperial IPA 22C. American Barley Wine American Wheat Beer American lager
Usage Max. 100%

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